Skin Perfection


“Enhance, Preserve & Regain your Beauty!”



A skin problem that starts with adolescence when oil and dead skin cells close skin pores. Acne can also affect in older age with hormonal and environmental influence. It is a hyperactivity of sebaceous gland that causes painful skin lesions at face and various sites on the body.

Treatment Procedure :

  • Chemical Peels
  • Ozone
  • Medications
  • Diet Support


Moles are very common skin growths which are usually small and tan or brownish, are sometimes raised, and may occasionally change shape or color. Dermatologists remove moles to improve appearance.

Treatment Procedure :

  • Surgical Process


Pigmentation / Hyperpigmentation is a common skin condition, where some areas or patches of skin turn darker in colour. It is usually a harmless condition, caused when there is too much of the pigment, melanin, on the surface of the skin.

Treatment Procedure :

  • Chemical Peeling
  • Micro dermabrasion
  • Medication



Mesotherapy involves the injection of specially prepared mixture of vitamins, aminoacids and medications into the middle layer of the skin. With this the essential nutrients for the skin are directly injected into the areas which needs treating.
Each session takes about 20 to 30 minutes. Local anaesthetic creams are use to make the treatment comfortable. Two to three treatment courses may be needed for best results. Slight redness or swelling in the treated are may be experienced but will settle in 1 – 2 days.
How does it work? 
During the treatment, a special gun containing short thin needles (measuring 4-6mm) is used to inject minute quantities of pharmaceuticals, vitamins, minerals or amino acids (in a unique a mix tailored to help with your particular condition) under the top layers of skin to remedy a variety of conditions:

  • Cellulite
  • Skin Rejuvenation (Mesolift)
  • Toning